Monday, August 13, 2007

Journal Entry

Here's a quick little journal entry I made on the boys and my trip to Tofino. Not a work of art by any means, but oh do my boys love that I drew and wrote in my journal about our adventure. I don't know what happened to the mohawk haired large nosed boy! I certainly didn't mean for him to look like that but the more I tried to fix it the worse it got so I just decided to leave it. This one entry has encouraged my boys to journal, actually I should say it's excited them to journal. They actually nag me now to journal with them so that in itself makes this sad little journal entry a work of art in my eyes. It's provided the inspiration to two young boys to write about their day, their feelings and their thoughts about things and to include drawings as well. It's one thing to tell them, it's another thing to show them but the best thing is to inspire them.

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