Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The end of a year and I'm excited!

Tomorrow a new year begins, filled with new opportunities and possibilities. I embrace tomorrow. I plan to grab hold and make it my own. I will dream with new confidence that what I hope to accomplish will be mine to take and any obstacles will be merely bumps, not mountains. I sold my first painting this year, I sold glass beads and jewelry. I attended Artfest, embracing the experience alone and comfortably. I've grown this year in many ways and I'm ready for what's to come. There will be challenges to get what I want accomplished, I can see some already but I have a new outlook. There will be no more waiting for the time to be right. The time for me is now. There is no perfect time I realize now, took almost 40 years to realize that but better late than too late! ;)
I don't have any new pictures on my laptop to share, they are still in the camera so I will share one of my favorite beads I've made. This new year I will post often so please come by and leave a message and share this journey with me.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Winding up to Jump off the fear factory.

It's been a hard 2 months creative wise for me. For the first time since the beginning of motherhood all my children are in school and up until 2 weeks ago no one really needed me during the day. The idea was that I would pursue my Art career full time once the kids were in full days of school but the adjustment for myself took longer than I expected. Now though, I'm ready! I'm so pumped and excited and full of energy towards it, I can't wait to get started but I still have that annoying little string holding me back.

What I want to know is who'd holding the string, what's it attached to and why is it tied to me?

Of course I know the answers.

It's me. All me.

Why do we tie these strings around us. Why do we tie the strings of doubt, fear and allowance to create to ourselves. I know it's all me. I know cause my husband is impatient for me to start creating, my kids love me creating and my friends encourage me to create. The doubt and the fear and the allowing ourselves are such strong factors in the risk of creation though. And I think to fully live the creative life you have to tackle those demons and only the creative soul actually knows how enormous those demons can become.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Repeating the same Mistakes

We humans and creatures of repetion, even if it's something that doesn't work. Drowning in my own mistakes and resulting emotion, here I go.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

My Etsy shop is open

Yes, I finally did placed a bead in my etsy shop! If you head to you'll see this beauty.

I have other items to add but I need to take more pictures first. Hopefully tomorrow I can accomplish that. Today is a day for chores and hopefully at the end I will have the energy to reward myself with some torch time. With the sun shining, chores aren't the drag they usually are, they almost are a pleasure! shhh, don't tell anyone ;)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

If a blog rises in the forest and nobody posts, is it still a blog?

This past year has been a long one. A year full of emotion and challenge where my spirit was torn down to it's essence, stripped to my inner most quivering root nerve. Exposed and raw, I began a renewal of self - building myself into who I am and who I want to be all over again. Mindful growth magnetic and purposeful, auspiciously inspiring those around me to start from the here and now, to grow with purpose and continue on to be who we are supposed to be.

Life is noisy and lonely and crowded and quiet, full of paradox's and pain, plundering and prosperity, commas and periods. Infinite but minute, fresh dawns of first breaths - enormous and exalting, shared with the blackest nights stealing your dreams... your soul... your determination. I would curse the blackest of nights but if it weren't for them, we wouldn't know how prodigious the blissful dewey fragrant mornings of our personal resurrections are. Pain leads to growth just as pleasure eventually leads to pain, all things in time during the cycle of life. We cannot have one without the other.

This dark grey to black past year is just that in my heart... past. I have surfaced from it's depth, embracing the light and air and possibilty. Reassured to myself in who I am and how I want to live my life within myself, I move on. Ever reminding myself that I can lead only my own path, I must only hope that others will move with me along this course and their path leads to the same place. Mindful that I must be true to myself and others must decide their own path... and may or may not choose to share their path with me.

This new enlightenment has released me. Released me to realise that I must be the best me and all else will follow but what follows is a matter of happenstance and timing, and just because we want our lives to be a certain way, we really can only control what's in our own spirit. I have no control of the wind around me just the breath that goes through me.

With this vexatious time behind me, I have succeeded. A renewal of my life's purpose, a rebirth of focus, a resurrection of self empowerment and a rebirth of my hopes and dreams. My work is moving again, no longer stagnant with my soul but pouring out through my hands only being restrained by time and lifes commitments and needs. Like leaves sprouting forth from fingerling branches reaching out from a tree, my ideas can no longer be contained in clenched fists of the past. It must manifest to what it will and I will not hold it back. I will share here more regulary now. I felt I could not post for quite sometime when all I felt was muck mirred, like clay riddened boots. I felt it not fair to anyone else, to be dragged into the dark place which was my abode. As a blog can only give a glimpse, this glimpse didn't need to be shared.

With that I close, like a lid on a bottle of used motor oil, I draw a line in the sand and move on, eager to share my future and ever hopeful of possibilty.

Sincerely Jennifer

Friday, April 25, 2008

You Are 91% Creative

You are an incredibly creative person. For you, there are no bounds or limits to your creativity.

Your next creation could be something very great... Or at least very cool!